Our members mostly dive on following wrecks:
no | Wreck | Depth |
1 | Bryza | 21m |
2 | Graf Zeppelin | 87m |
3 | Abille | 47m |
4 | Groźny | 18.5m |
5 | Boelcke | 75m |
Our members highly-graded following wrecks:
no | Wreck | rating |
1 | Franken | |
2 | Graf Zeppelin | |
3 | Terra | |
4 | West Star | |
5 | Goya |
This website was modified recently: 2014-08-05 22:59. Changes history
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54° 45' 33" N , 16° 29' 25.2" E
2014-08-05 22:59
Depth above the wreck: 35m
Depth at the bottom: 35m
Diving on the wreck requires special permission issued by the organizer diving Maritime Authority.
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Diving description
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