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It was built in 1936 in Germany. During World War II, performing transport services for the Kriegsmarine. In 1943, was taken over by the Allies and interned in Spain. Then hit the hands of the British and changed the name to "Empire Consett". In 1946, the Russians took it over. They gave him new name "Akademik Karpinski". August 31, 1953 was sunk in the Baltic Sea during the voyage from Kaliningrad to Amsterdam.


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Changes in wreck description Akademik Karpinsky

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Akademik Karpinsky

55° 7' 0" N , 18° 22' 0" E

2015-02-20 07:33

Depth above the wreck: 70m

Depth at the bottom: 80m

Wreck attractivity:
Wreck condition:

Diving on the wreck requires special permission issued by the organizer diving Maritime Authority.

źródło: BalticTech

Built in 1936 by the company Nordseewerke in Emden under the name "Thalia", for the first three years he swam for the German owner - Dampfschifffahrts Gesellschaft Neptun, but after the outbreak of war to be embodied in the fleet of the Kriegsmarine. She interned in 1943. in Spanish Cadiz, and in May 1945. were the Allies. Then also been renamed "Empire Consett" to a year later to be przetransferowanym to the USSR and receive his last name - "Academician Karpinsky". The flag of the Soviet Union cruised to 31 August 1953., When it embarked on its final voyage from Kalingradu to Amsterdam, during which it was sunk by a powerful storm.
The wreck was discovered in 2012 by a group of divers Baltictech.

The wreck lies on its keel. It is kept in very good condition. From the stern of the ship's name clearly marked. Part of the superstructure filled with details of equipment which still remained there. Average dive depth of 75m.
Highly recommended!

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wreck comments Akademik Karpinsky

Jan Iwańczuk

2017-02-09 23:58
Frachtowiec AKADEMIK KARPINSKIJ jeszcze do niedawna uważany był za pierwszy statek, jaki wpłynął do Szczecina w lipcu 1945 roku, mimo, że w tym czasie stał jeszcze w hiszpańskim porcie Cadiz jako THALIA (rok bud. 1936, BRT 1122, armator DG Neptun Line), i 15.07.1945 roku przejęli go Anglicy po przemianowaniu na EMPIRE CONSETT. Rosjanie z kolei przejęli go w ramach reparacji wojennych dopiero 21.03.1946 roku. By udokumentować historyczny wg. oficjalnej tezy pobyt tego statku w Szczecinie w lipcu 1945 roku autorzy niektórych publikacji opisujących dzieje portu szczecińskiego zilustrowali to zdjęciem sowieckiego statku DMITRY POSHARSKYI (ex SACHSENWALD).

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